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Forward - Leadership Simulator

Forward is a leadership simulation where teams of four use their role-specific skills to get their team to the summit of a challenging mountain. Students will need to communicate with each other as they assess the ever-changing situation, make role-based decisions, determine how their decisions affect the team, and decide how their team will travel in order to reach the summit safely and on time.


Assistant Professor Trevor Cox came up with Forward for his Foundations of Organizational Leadership course. His goal was to take a role playing assignment generally done in person and turn it into an interactive leadership simulating video game.

How It Works

Teams of Four Select Their Roles

Each team member must select a different role (medic, meteorologist, navigator, or thrill seeker) and then the team leader is chosen at random.

Players Make Decisions

Each player makes one role-specific decision each round, making sure to communicate with their teammates to make the best decision possible.

Leader Decides How to Travel

The leader sees the decisions each team member has made, communicates with the team to discuss what to do, and then submits their choice to determine if their team climbs up the mountain, stays at the current camp, or travels back down the mountain.

Players Assess Their Situation

Once a new turn begins, all players will be taken to the progress report where they can see the result of their most recent choice, the location of each team member, and other basic information.

Learn, Adapt, and Climb

When the next turn begins the cycle starts again as players attempt to work together to get as many team members to reach the top of the mountain as they can.




Instructions PDF

How Can I Use this this

As or right now, we are still testing out a lot of the services. Contact us and to see how we can work together on this.

Video Instructions